16/12/09 - C# MIDI Application v0.1 released 29/05/09 - Work begins on MotoGP 2D Once again 18/01/09 - Site Update and new MIDI App, Check Detailed News 16/05/08 - Work on updates begin's,work on updates over summer 27/12/07 - Motogp2d bug fixes now done,any more let me know ;-) 10/11/07 - Shop now online, visit the MB Online Store :-D 05/11/07 - Music Section updated,programming applications in C# 26/09/07 - Dodge Viper3D(BETA2) Updates on the BETA version 27/07/07 - Dodge Viper3D(BETA) RELEASED!,YES,check news 13/04/07 - MOTOGP 2D 1.0 RELEASED..Longly awaited, check detailed 26/03/07 - More site changes and MGP2D update 19/03/07 - Website changes and MotoGP 2D update 20/02/07 - Website back up, updates and Motogp 2d update 06/02/07 - changed server, Motogp 2d update, check detailed news 13/12/07 - Website changing soon, read detailed, thanks 24/12/06 - DEMO of MOTOGP 2D RELEASED!!!!, check gamemaker 06/12/06 - Motogp 2D problems, hope to be resolved ASAP 04/11/06 - MotoGP 2D BETA Tested, still under major construction 27/11/06 - Alot of work been done of late,check detailed news 23/11/06 - Object Position V1.5 released, check detailed news 22/11/06 - object Position V1.1 released 20/11/06 - Site updates ahead, working on privacy areas 16/11/06 - RELEASE - 'Object Position v1.0',check DB section 16/11/06 - Moto GP screeny updates,check detailed news 15/11/06 - new screenshots of motogp on way and site changes 24/10/06 - Game Section Back online but under construction 23/10/06 - Game's section taken offline due to mayor site update 16/10/06 - Screenshots to be uploaded + small site update 10/10/06 - YES after long await im updating website, some new screenshots of software im doing to be posted,check back soon 02/05/06 - Fantasy Football Offline due to conversion(Gameleague) 02/05/06 - Currently developing FPS,also updating/converting site 24/04/06 - Tutorials going well 30/03/06 - Learning Dark Basic to develop 3D games 03/03/06 - Dodge Viper 2D now abandonware 13/12/05 - converting the site to hand coded HTML before christmas break 15/10/05 - Currently learning C,hoping to improve my programming skills 01/08/05 - Learning more GML for multiplayer game modes 30/05/05 - Classic playable games available for download 31/01/05 - Studying GML to improve my knowledge 07/07/04 - Getting to grips with Game Naker, titles due shortly 05/05/04 - Finally using a Game Creation package to develop my skills FAST DOWNLOAD LINK: Dodge Viper 3D V1.0(BETA2) FAST DOWNLOAD LINK: MotoGP 2D V1.0 FAST DOWNLOAD LINK: C# MIDI Application