The home of Softgun, the creater Gunther Sorrano originally told me about game maker, he is a confidant C programmer but hasn't brought out any new software for a while now, check out his website and download some great stuff...true programming legend
Martin Windsors website, home of "Barking Mad 2D" and soon to be 3D aswell
Bozzy's new site, nothing happened between the team, just a sister site for MotoGP and his own stuff
Steve's SWOS site, The new version (swos08) came out last year for XBOX 360, Yes the legend lives on, last update just been released for this mega retro classic.
dyv's website's,with screenshots & information on his new title, check them both out.
Game Maker 2D Website
DarkBasic software, very powerful 3d programming software. YOU MUST CHECK IT OUT.